Lou Romano has now posted higher-res images of the complete colour script for Pixar’s UP. A colour script is what the filmmakers use in the production of animated feature to get a feel of the colour, mood, and visual atmosphere of the film.
Spoiler warning, though — stay away if you haven’t seen the movie, since this does contain images of all the major scenes.
And if you missed it the first time, don’t forget to see more of Lou Romano’s UP artwork, which includes a far more abstract and simple first pass at a colour script for the film.
As always, if you like this stuff, I can’t recommend Pixar’s The Art Of… books enough. The Art of UP includes this colour script and Lou notes how colour is used to drive the story along: “When Carl is forced into the present, he’s miserable and the colour is bleak. But as each new character is introduced, we see flashes of life and colour.”